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AER Technologies Big Presence Case Study

Building a Foundation for Automotive Excellence

In collaboration with branding agency, BrandingBusiness, based in Orange County, CA, Big Presence was brought aboard AER’s rebranding project to design and build the new AER corporate website, and implement a digital marketing system for the first time in the company’s 20 year history.

AER’s decades of experience in working with Detroit’s biggest auto manufacturers needed to be well-represented on the new website, but also required a holistic effort to better tell the story about AER’s capabilities and vision for the future in an industry where the future is rapidly evolving, and requires steadfast expertise to navigate from year-to-year.

The Deliverables

Web Design
Clean and minimalist, the new AER corporate website is the perfect foundation for growth.
HubSpot Implementation
Key to AER's new sales strategy is implementing inbound marketing principles to drive leads for the sales team.
Digital Marketing Strategy
With an emphasis on thought-leadership content to drive brand awareness, AER's strategy will rely heavily on creating great content and delivering it to the right people throughout the auto industry.
HubSpot + Website Support
Ongoing development of website pages, campaigns and assets, Big Presence now manages AER's WordPress website, and HubSpot portal in any capacity AER needs.


Name That Noise

Gamifying auto repair and building brand awareness.

One of AER’s main goal in 2017 has been creating deeper relationships with their partners and customers in the auto industry they’ve been so deeply rooted in for the past 30 years. Our team had to come up with creative ways to connect to the parts buyers and dealership teams that AER serves, that would both be fun for AER’s clients, but also generate engagement that could lead to deeper partnerships and opportunities.

The Name That Noise micro-site / game is a way for dealership employees to have a little fun trying to guess the issue with any given car strictly on limited information (as a a car owner would provide) and an associated noise curated by our team. The most engaged dealerships who know their car noises will be able to earn their team lunch on AER, which is a win for everyone involved.

The micro-site is built on HubSpot COS, and is fully integrated with AER’s marketing automation programs, and HubSpot CRM where account managers can see the activity their accounts create through the game. This integration allows AER to do more extensive lead gen campaigns in the future, based on the answers and results of this campaign.

Name That Noise will launch in September of 2017.